The right Policies, Procedures, Systems and People is all you need to fortify your business on the Internet
Intentionally break your defenses to identify the cracks and fractures in your defensive program
People are usually the weakest link in a security system, get them up to speed to turn the tables
Feedback from incidents to your security program is vital to its evolution and keeping up with the times
Keeping up with the times is an incredibly expensive and . Whether you are looking to service your customer, collaborate with your partner or engage with your supply chain vendor, both you and your counter party need that assurance that the engagement is going to have fruitifying results and not put your safety at risk. The best way to display your confidence and make them feel safe is to have a sound security program at the heart of your business. ISO 27001 is one such framework, which is a world renowned and recognised framework that can quickly bring structure to your operations and expose the cracks that needs fixing.
Digitization has greatly helped businesses with better insights and far greater adaptability to serve their customers and navigate the market. However, unbeknownst risks run high within these systems and data when they are sloppily implemented or mishandled durign operations. Luckily, there are frameworks that have been tried, tested and evolved alongside the Internet to help businesses understand the risks and ways to mitigate them. NIST 800-53 and ISO 27005 are some of the leading frameworks that can help you understand the risks that your business faces with respect to Information Technology.
Forecasting is an important trait that many successful businesses exibhit. No matter your strength in forecasting, black swans come along from time to time and the Internet age has anything but increased the odds of it. Trying to avoid incidents or constantly trying to predict & prepare can cost dearly to the growth of your business. Your best defense is improving your resilience to a point that your recovery time objective is close to zero. This gives you the ability to bounce back from a disaster as quickly as possible restoring your operations and minimizing your downtime of your services.
We go through your business, its processes and your current need for Information Security
We design a program comprising of necessary elements along with a report of our findings based on your needs
We walk you through our proposed solution along with timelines and costing end to end
Upon agreement we will share complete project plan in phases along with milestones and kickoff the project