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August 2022

Summer of Sanity Passphrases Episode 1 Passphrases are a great evolutionary step from passwords. They can be extremely complicated, yet easy to remember and convenient to use. They are super hard for a hacker to crack/snoop since the hacker cannot brute force, use dictionary words, peep while you type on the keyboard or even use a keylogger (techically possible, but makes it harder). But then passphrases are yet...

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Mr. Peter Zatko, ex-Security Head of Twitter, has filed a complaint with the Securities and Excange Commission with help from alleging that Twitter has been lax with its security and privacy processess. He has specifically highlighted the issue of Twitter misrepresenting the number of monetizable users that indicates the number of bots and amount of spam thats prevelant on the network. Mr. Zatko is a...

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