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Summer of Sanity Passphrases Episode 3 A major problem faced by many organizations is not taking information security seriously by the the top management. Unlike the rest of the functions of a business, Information or Cyber Security does not directly contribute to the top or bottom line of a business.  However, they are vitally important in protecting your business from the threats that can not only affect your...

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Summer of Sanity Passphrases Episode 2 The biggest downside of passwords is that it is a shared secret - shared between the user and the validator. Unfortunately, passphrases also share the same disadvantage, though they fare way better in so many other ways.   Systems designed to use passwords or passphrases can be made to not store the passwords in readable form or even make it inaccessible to users...

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Summer of Sanity Passphrases Episode 1 Passphrases are a great evolutionary step from passwords. They can be extremely complicated, yet easy to remember and convenient to use. They are super hard for a hacker to crack/snoop since the hacker cannot brute force, use dictionary words, peep while you type on the keyboard or even use a keylogger (techically possible, but makes it harder). But then passphrases are yet...

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