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Why go for ISO 27001?

Simply put, assurance to others and yourself that the IT unit of your business is reliable and safe.

Our interdependence to conduct business has only been on the rise with IT as its lynchpin. With so many stakeholders in the mix, it is simply difficult to understand the extended risks, build counter measures and effectively communicate your robust position to those that rely on your business. ISO 27001 is a great framework to achive all of that.

Created in 2005, ISO 27001 has been adopted by more than 50K+ organizations across the world.

How easy is it to get certified?

Tradional approach is to either engage an external consultant or create a team internally, if you got the time and resources, to plan and implement the procedures of the framework. Then an external auditor examines your adoption and implementation of the framework before certifying your firm. 

The planning and setting up can take on an average 3 months for a small sized company of 50+ employees. The costs can vary depending on the consultant, where some charge $10K while it can go all the way over $50K+ depending on a bunch of factors. 

The real cost to your firm is the loss in productivity during the period of planning and implementation. As new processes are introduced, the firm collectively experiences a drop in agility in adopting and following new procedures. 


Do I have to get certified?

The short answer is No

Many Organizations resort to adhoc security measures and this eventually leads to plenty of loopholes and gaps in security. Having a structure from the start alleviates the complexity of untangling the security mess that an adhoc plan introduces. 

Just adopting the best practices of ISO 27001 standard brings in good structure and tremendous discipline of Cyber Security into your Organization. Furthermore, when you do decide to get certified, your organization will not have to undergo consequential changes that affect productivity and agility.

Particle42 can help you glide through the process in days

Our platform puts you on a fast track with all activities, documents, milestones and the complete works to get you through the process much faster than any other. Our experts are here to help and guide you through all the exhausting parts of the compliance process, so that you can focus on what matters most for your business. 

Particle42 helps you save on time, costs and resources

Particle42 helps you save on time, costs and resources

Talk to us

Get in touch with our consultant for a quick demo of our platform and services to get you on track for ISO 27001 certification or your security program