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How much damage can an email do?

Apparently a lot. 90% of all Cyber Attacks start with a phishing email.

Besides the social engineering side of a phishing email that gets an employee to share sensitive information or carry out an ill-intented action, the email by itself can carry links and files that can harm a system by letting uninvited guests into your computer or network. 

Though Operating Systems and Browsers have come a long way in protecting its users, a harmless looking link can spell “Doom” by shutting down entire networks, exposing private information, cutting off fuel supply to an entire coast or even sabotaging nuclear facilities. 


Can't technology put an end to this?

Phishing is not a technology problem, but a fraud committed using technology – in this case its emails. 


Today we have technologies that can help bring down the likelihood of a phishing email reaching your inbox or reducing the intensity of damage post action on an email. Unfortunately, since these are social engineering attacks the methods keep evolving and ultimately evading any technological barricades that we put in place. 


Technology by itself cannot be the answer to phishing frauds. 

What is the missing piece to the puzzle?

Studies show that victims of fraud are a lot less likely to fall for the same or a similar fraud. But this can be an expensive lesson to learn and the experience cannot be shared with others without losing effectiveness.


Instead we can create this experience in a controlled manner using Phishing Simulations. The simulations can range from generic emails to personalized ones based on interests, business functions and associations that contain a variety of attack methods. Awareness content based on the results of the simulation helps users in identifying phishing emails way more effectively. 

Run Phishing Campaigns that suit your needs

You can run a variety of phishing campaigns on our platform, categorizing them based on your needs such as,

What kind of simulation services does Particle42 offer?

Generic Kind

This is a combination of automated and some personalized templates aimed at both users and systems,

Personalized Ones

Purely personalized templates meant only for those critical users handling, 

How quickly can we start this exercise?

Right Away..