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Get your Cyber Security Strategy in place?

For the longest time having a firewall for your network and anti-virus for your desktops was considered to keep you safe from most threats that lurked the Internet. Unfortunately it is not the case anymore with Internet becoming a very complex place.

The things that affect your Organization’s security posture has both gone up and come to include even non-technical ones such as geo-political issues, local laws & regulations, data that flows through your system, work from home policy etcetra to name a few. 

In short the need for a broader Cyber Security Strategy that aligns with your business, small or large, has become a pre-requisite to achieve Cyber Resilience. 

What aspects of Cyber Security does the Strategy cover?

The foundation of a good Cyber Security Strategy should start with aligning the security measures with the Business. The strategy touches upon the following points in various degrees based on the business model, 

What does it take to put a CyberSecurity Strategy together?

A good Cyber Security startegy always start with a good understanding of the Business that it intends to protect. A top down approach is the most favourable one as the involvement of the top management is crucial in setting the tone and culture across the organization.


Another key element is the coordination across Businsess functions that enables the Organization to create an cost-effective and efficient strategy. A cohesiveness that one can achieve with the different components of the Security Program will be critical to the determination of the effectiveness of it.   


At the crux of it all is the Cyber Security Champion – The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), that takes both a broader view across the organization as well as a comprehensive study of the details, where necessary. The champion’s skills facilitate the smooth transition of the necessary security requirements without hindering the Business growth into policies, procedures, systems and configurations.  

How can Particle42 help?

Running a business and staying ahead or even within reach of the competition can by itself be very difficult. Furthermore, having to deal with Information Security that could completely derail your business should be the last thing on your mind. 


We take it upon us to understand your Business to draw up the best strategy that can help your Organization to be Cyber Champions. We operate as Virtual CISOs for your Business to make timely decisions where Security can play a crucial role and ensure that the Security steps don’t cripple your Business aspirations.


Our experience from across various industries enable us to create the most effective security program that best suites your business. 

Role of a Virtual CISO

Talk to us

Do you need help with getting a Security Strategy in place for your organization? Talk to one of our virtual CISOs now!