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Is everything okay from the inside?

Internal Network Penetration Test

Security is always layered, irrespective of how fortified your outer network may be designed. Be it an internal threat actor or an external threat actor that has penetrated your external defences, having your network secured from the inside out can greatly improve its resilience and considerably decrease the damage one can do. 


We run a thorough scan of your network to get stock of all your assets and with great detail validate them for any misconfigurations, outdated services, missing security patches, inactive accounts, etcetra that can be leveraged by an insider or outsider to compromise your systems and data.

How does everything look from the outside?

External Network Penetration Tests

Having to walk the fine line of exposing the right part of your business that entitles it to grow and the ones that can harm is a tough job to do. Your websites, applications, social media accounts and everything on the Internet are a treasure trove to bad actors always looking for information or an opportunity to further pry into your business.

We perform an external assessment validating the risk that any exposed information or application may pose as threat to your business. The assessment is a mix of vulnerability assessment of websites, applications and entry points to your network. Further, a penetration test is conducted to validate the severity of the vulnerabilities and warrant their remedial steps.

Web Application Assessment

Your IT team is steadfast in pouring in the right technologies and solutions to support your business. Having to architect a solution that both gives your business an edge over competitors while being secured is a tough target to hit. The merits of the technology and its onward movement blindsides technologists from the risks that come along.


We help you balance the scales by plotting the attack surface of your applications and identifying remedial solutions that does not impede your business. We conduct a detailed risk and vulnerability assessment on your web application using a combination of traditional methods such as OWASP and Particle42’s tailored methods to maximize the results. 


With our vast experience of serving many customers across geographies and industries, our collective knowledge serves us to help you validate your applications for flaws before they are found by bad actors. We not only identify flaws, but assist you in finding the right solution that remediates without hindering your business.Y

Social Engineering Tests

Most often than not, management overlooks the most vulnerable assets of the organization, its employees. Computers, applications and other assets are relatively easier to rid of vulnerabilities as in most cases they are programmable and predictable. On the contrary, every employee is tasked with different functions under varying scenarios making it nearly impossible to create an one-stop solution. 


We conduct deliberate social engineering attacks on your most critical employees based on their job functions and interests to understand the most vulnerable methods to compromise their systems or get them to share sensitive information. With a better understanding of the vulnerable points we can help improve your security posture either through better policies, security systems, configurations or tailored awareness programs for your employees. 

Talk To Us

Get in touch with our consultant for a quick discussion about the type of penetration testing your organization will require.